
I just read these lines, and thought they felt appropriate for this time of my life:

So supposedly I'm strong
and I cultivate a luscious lawn
But my crops can fail, I can also be wrong.
I can woo a distant beauty
but hopeless missing always rules me.
There's no invincible disguise that lasts all day.
Painful storms will always come to blur my way
And conversely blurry storms will go their way.

mostly the line about wooing a distant beauty but hopeless missing always rules me.


isaac isak icekick said...

God doesn't hate Shrimp he hates that they look icky when they swim. "Hate the sin not the sinner". i really hate that idea, because it misses the point, rarely is achieved, and leaves your heart with hate in it. I think i will blog about this more.

Marissa N. Paolacci said...


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