
riki wiki

Someone (you) should check out the Wikipedia article about my brother before the funny stuff gets taken down. Take note to the section titled 'family and personal life' I have a screen shot of the page which I could just post, but I think it is funnier to read it on wikipedia itself. Maybe once some humorless kill joy changes it I will post the screenshot.
There used to be all sorts of funny stuff that got taken down. I had also put some pictures of ricky up that were taken down. Who are these people so passionate about the accuracy of my brother's wikipedia page?


Vincent said...

It's a worthy and respectful homage to a man who, despite his monster talents and monstrous personal presence, will one day be remembered principally for being closely related to his far more significant younger brother.

Vincent said...

I especially like "he uses bright colors with dark and pale shades to further heighten the contrast and drama in the work."

I don't suppose it was meant to be funny. But it sounds like a general definition of fine art painting.

libby said...

bahaha ha

l i z said...

brilliant. and cheeky.

l i z said...

you know i don't read the fine green text at the top of the page that says: Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval.

how does it feel to be a blog "owner" btw?

you are big brother.

isaac isak icekick said...

the cosmic joker strikes again. So funny being that you love and admire Ricky so much.

Chris Almond said...

liz canaan roberts. you inspired me to stop moderating my comments. the only reason i did it, is because i kept not noticing when i would be left a comment, so i thought if i had to manually approve them, i would be sure to see them all. we will see how this goes.

Chris Almond said...

vincent. yeh, i hadn't thought of it that way , but it is funny the color thing. but for real, he does tend to use an exceptional amount of contrast in terms of color.
also, about your first comment, one funny thing about it is, in mormonism, usually as a teenager people recieve what is called a patriachal blessing. this is given by the 'patriarch' this blessing is an attempt to give personal prophecies for people. in mine it said i would have an abundance of money. in my brothers it said he would always have want. so, who knows?

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