
In some ways it is almost amazing to me that divorce rates are as low as they are.(I should note that divorce rates are much lower than is commonly repeated. Divorce rates have never been 50% in the U.S. and have been steadily declining since the 70's when a variety of factors caused a spike. Both Catholics and Lutherans have a slightly lower divorce rate than Mormons. 24% vs. 21%)

I think I would consider romantic love a delusion, albeit a useful one. It is a well studied fact that the initial feelings of being in love last from 1-3 years. Many researchers speculate this is because it takes that long have and raise a child from infancy.

It is not that liking someone a whole lot is something I would consider delusional, since an emotional state is a subjective thing. It is that when we feel that initial stage of romantic love, or infatuation, our lover seems far better than they may actually be and appear after that infatuation wanes. Flaws or traits that may later lead to conflict or annoyance may not even be noticed in those initial times, and if they are may not be taken seriously.

The way we view them compared to others is far out of proportion with a rational assessment. Of all the billions of people in the world, this one person, who may be just slightly more suited to us than others we know takes on the status of being enormously better than everyone else on earth. They are infinitely smarter and prettier and funnier and more enjoyable to be around than all others. Out of everyone else, you want to spend every moment of the rest of your life with them. Not only that, but with only them. (you will still have friends, family and children, but only that person will you choose to live with for the rest of your life)
Think of every other sort of relationship in our life. Friendships and familial relationships. Almost never do we meet one friend and see them infinitely beyond all other possible friends and choose to be their friend in a way that is exclusionary to even the possibility of other friendships. Sure we have may have best friends but not to the exclusion of our others. And we normally see them for what they are, just a bit better than our other friends, not infinitely better than everyone ever.
After the first couple years when that chemically induced infatuation wears off, it is no wonder a certain disillusionment happens. It is like stepping out of a mania and seeing this person for who they really are. 

Even if your lover is an otherwise great perso
n, it can lead to disappointment or resentment to see the infatuation you had felt wasn't quite in touch with reality. Not that you may not continue to love them, but the nature of it changes, both chemically and manifestly.

It makes sense that an active sex life can play such an vital role in a healthy marriage. since sex releases Oxytocin and other chemicals which create a sense of closeness and intimacy. It is as if we need a certain amount chemical prodding, because otherwise they would more like a sibling.

There are interesting connections between Mania and romantic infatuation. It makes me wonder if perhaps a part of what happens when a person becomes manic, is connected with our ability to be in love. As if when manic we become in love with and infatuated with ourselves.
When manic, a person feels Euphoric and has a grandiose sense of self. (the exact opposite of a depression, where a person is sad, with an often dimensionally low sense of self worth and status compared to others ) The manic individual see themselves as much smarter or good looking or creative or whatever or all of it than everyone else. Isn't that similar to how one feels when in love? Except instead of towards oneself, it is towards your lover?

When a person suddenly develops this grandiose view of their self, it is easy to see as a chemically induced delusion. But when it is about another person, it is 'being in love'.

It is almost like we are 'tricked' into getting married. Our chemicals make us think some person is the greatest being ever and that our lives won't be complete with out them, so then we go and have kids and commit to spend a life time with them, then we find out, psych1, they are just pretty cool. So it is no wonder divorce is not uncommon.
I wonder, if this crazy head over heals in love stage did not happen, if divorce(and perhaps marriage as well) would be less common. It would help us make more reasonable choices about our mates.

mysteries of salvation

I was thinking about the typical Fundamentalist Christian notion of the necessity to "Accept Christ" in order to gain salvation.

Aside from the obvious concerns of people who had never heard of Christ I was wondering about what specific requirements they believe must be met in one's understanding of Jesus for your acceptance of him to be valid.

Most non-Mormon Christians say Mormons aren't Christians, which assumes they haven't actually accepted Christ so won't be saved. This implies that not only must one accept Christ, but their understanding of Christ must fit certain guidelines.

So, if for example a person got a weird translation of the bible where jesus was named Beavis, and accepted this 'Beavis' into their heart, would this be okay? Probably, since could the name really be important? It is just a translation anyway.

Suppose this weird translation gave the correct name but said he was Chinese and lived in the 1920's? Would that be okay?

Or what if someone unaware of jesus happened to write a fictional story that by sheer coincidence matched the story of jesus, someone found it and mistook it for non-fiction and accepted the Fiction Jesus who happened to be identical as real jesus into their heart? Would that pass? And would if that coincidence fiction Jesus had been named 'Beavis'?

What if one mistakenly ascribed all the teachings of Jesus to say, Buddha, or George Washington Carver, and one accepted one of these men into their hearts, yet was tricked into believing they had the same attributes of Jesus?

Hopefully I can think of a few more of these.